Thursday, August 19, 2010


Well, it's been a fun little break, hasn't it? That is totally it and not forgetfulness on my part.

Well, actually, I was camping for about two weeks back there. So yeah! Which, actually, led to a lot of neat stuff in my sketchbook, which I will try to scan and upload this weekend. We will see, we will see.

In the meantime, it's WIP Wednesday! And it is still totally Wednesday because I haven't gone to bed yet! And on that note, we see the return of the 'Late Night Theater with Rex', there to absolve me of any posts full of fatigue-induced typos and dumb wordings!

**Also also, on a technical note, something weird is happening between flickr and blogspot and I am waaaay too sleep deprived to figure it out and make it pretty again, so as a consequence of that... uh, you'll get to see into my flickr account too, I guess./professionalism**

Aaaanyway, today is a very special episode of WIP Wednesday. Not only have I accidentally made it an actual feature instead of just a one-shot-joke, but I have something new, something strange, someth- OMG CARTOON SNAKES YEEEEEE--


I've been playing around with the dudes from here, sketching them and then drawing them in Illustrator. Interesting process. Blah blah blah, more padding about the process and my thoughts on the matter, and now snakes.

Starting with Colby the Cobra:

Low Res Colby Cobra WIP

I was playing around with his colours, mostly because there may be other snakes that have black or brown as a secondary colour on this little team, but the general consensus so far is that black and tan is the best combination thus far. So, yeah, will probably go with that when I make fancy wallpaper for him later. *cough*

Low Res Vicky Viper Vector WIP

VICKY I love you more every time I draw you~~~!

Ahem, excuse me. See, Vicky is an eyelash viper. Again, I'm playing around with colour combinations, and now, patterns as well.

See, the problem is, I like her in green, but I have seen a picture of a pink morph on the eyelash viper (among many, many others), and my brother is insistent that I not give up this opportunity to have a female animal character that can actually be pink and have 'eyelashes' in real life. I am torn between this, but since she is my character and not his, I'll probably go with green. This is okay because if I am to believe every breeder site I read, pythons and constrictors can sometimes come in pink. Pinkish. Albinoish. -ahem-

The yellow morph was thrown in for kicks. So, yes. To my Mom, what does you and your office think? loyal readers, what do you think?

Low Res Horatio Hognose WIP

And finally, the most WIPish of the batch today/tonight, but my favourite snake in the group, Horatio the Hognose snake.

Seriously, Hognose Snakes are awesome.
Normally I'd be happy and willing to give you the spiel on why these are the best snakes ever, but I'll let this youtube video of its defensive techniques do the talking.

Aaaanyway, I at least put in the effort to give Horatio a pattern on the top left. Probably not an accurate one, though. The others are more bases to pretty up when I am not tired, but also there so I can have fun with his expressions. Man, he's the best.

I know what the last two in this snakey five-man-bad are going to be, their names, and what they look like, so they will be... um. Let's say next week. *bites lip*

So... yes, I'm still alive, and still drawing ridiculous stuff. Hi guys!

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