Friday, February 26, 2010

Assignment [Blog Illustrations]

But more on this later.

Ahem, yes, assignment. These are some spot illustrations for this blog, right here, and I would tell more but I am so tired I am falling asleep at the controls. So! Let's make this brief!

I don't have a proper header illustration yet - I have a sweet concept, but, er, it's not quite done yet and I don't trust my sense of judgment when I'm in this state of mind (sleeping). So for now, here are two spot images as placeholders:

This is a chestnut, to be used just after this part: We all rode our bikes to find the source and ended up at the farm on which our chestnut tree stood. Terrible fire - barn burned down and a few animals were killed. Quite a spectacle for young kids. We stayed for hours and all got in trouble when we got home because our parents didn’t have a clue where we were.

Originally I was going to do some cutesy cartoony Reader's Digest-esque thing with kids playing this game, but then... I didn't, either I couldn't get the kids to look right, or I figured it was too complex for a little breaker image.

Soooo between that short story and its ending and stuff, I thought I'd draw the chestnut-on-a-string. Broken, to look more interesting, and because an intact nut would probably be in competition, not laying on some surface or another.

Also, its broken and discarded state would symbolize something deep or another in reference to the burnt-down farm, and then the eventual uprooting of the tree to make way for the campus. Like... the end of its era or something.
(Don't take what I'm writing too seriously right now, since it is like 2:30 and I have been sleeping terribly this past week so I am like REALLY tired you guys)

Er... as for my process, I drew it in pencil, inked it terribly, fixed it up a little in photoshop, and... coloured it. *thumbs up*

The same process more or less goes for this one:

Which is an interpretation of Rick Court realizing that he is making less money as a banker than he did as a steelworker. Ah, those sweet summer jobs, right? *looks fondly back on that Riverboat kitchen... good times*

... Right, professionalism.

Alternate drawings for that thought bubble were a little $500 bill with wings, flying away, or $500 flying out the window, because I can do math and this is totally what was meant in that segment. Alternately, it was going to be a black tie, posed to mimic that chestnut earlier. With a $500 price tag, possibly. But... er, it wasn't working out, I think. I don't know, I just found this file coloured on my computer and the other one wasn't, so...

I SWEAR I will try to finish that other big illustration by sometime tomorrow! Really!

But for now I am actually typing with my eyes closed so I will return later with edits and wonderful drawings just you wait and see you guys
Goodnight everybody!

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