Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wow look at the time!

Well it's been about four months since my last update! Funny story, really, which I hopefully will get to in the next post. As it is, I'm speed-updating to make it look like I am a very active blogger and illustrator!


Mouth Creatures

I call 'em Bocas, probably after ten minutes of looking around Wiktionary for a word that means 'mouth'.

I made this for this group I'm in at deviantArt, but I am reluctant to link to my dA activity because that is way more casual than the tight professional image I cultivate here.

Er. Biology notes! They don't eat a lot, given that their mouth and eye takes up most of their body; the trees they normally nest in bear fruit that looks like them... but they don't exactly have the brainpower to know this, so you could just as likely find them in an orange tree; their children resemble burrs and stick to the fur of passing creatures to get carried to a new location; they can reel themselves up or down or swing from their tiny little legs; and they will eat anything they can fit into their mouths. Fortunately they are about the size of a grapefruit, maybe.

That's all for now, tune in in five minutes!

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