Friday, April 23, 2010

[Illustration Friday] Round 7: Brave (missed)

SO YEAH I really actually like this one and I wished I finished on time (partially because I had that texture technique fresh on my mind at the time, and now I forgot it).

For this one, I thought about brave things. Knights are brave. Lions are used to represent bravery. When you're little, you try to be brave and sometimes wanted to be a knight... Well okay maybe that's just me (and my steed was totally a dragon, not some silly little lion), but still!

With the childish thing in mind (and because I like doing simplistic drawings sometimes - feels like taking a break, y'know), I went forward with this! ... Several weeks after it was due!

... I should probably stop going on about doing things late. >__> Well, I mean, I had like five other things to do at the time but--


So I did this little number up in Illustrator, but I forgot how to properly, like, put textures on individual pieces because I'm a pro. I will bet you actual money that I remember how when I get home tonight (in which case I'll redo this and add it to the pile of 'remixed art' I'll release some time). I should probably not talk about me forgetting things too.

Ahem, right, I still wanted to throw down the papery texture, though, so it felt like a children's drawing or something out of a kid's storybook. ... In this case, a well-worn storybook. Because... it's real popular, yeah, that's right...

Honestly, there was a period there where I was afraid I was going to really hat that knight when I was done with him but he turned out surprisingly well! I did some neat little multiply-transparency-gradient to make the armour shiny, and gradients for the little visor-slots and the shading on his feather.

The lion, I had a decorative brush, I think? I had one of those outline a circle, that's how I got the mane down. It worked better than I had hoped!

So yeah I really like this. PS, here's a version without the texture so you can see it in its original eyeblinding glory:

Yup! That's all for this post.

... Y'know, I should draw cutesy things in Illustrator more often...

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