Wednesday, May 19, 2010

WIP Wednesday!

Work-in-Progress Wednesday!
(If I make it almost-alliterative, that means it's a feature, right?)

So, yeah, that was embarrassing, saying that I update at least once a week, then... Missing an update. *cough*

On that note, I think I will make this dinosaur thing a little more... infrequent until I can work out a proper schedule. ... I'm new at this, okay?

So, yes, the art post for today, ahem.

I recall something my portfolio class teacher said, about not uploading bad art, something to that effect, and that time my mom told me to stop being so self-depreciating.

Well, today, I get to defy TWO authority figures with one stone! Post! Figure of speech!

And by that I mean this is what I've kind of been working on lately:

The working file is WAY bigger (which is why the glowy effect around her wings is so large *cough*), but yeah, here we go. I intend to make this part of a wallpaper when I'm done, and right now I need to shade this and... fix that eye, but I'll save that for later.

So... Yes, explanation. This is Arianna, a character I made waaaay back when. The shortest (and long-standing) backstory is that she's one of those shoulder-advice angels. Depending on my mood that day, she also might dispense hilariously bad advice.

Normally, though, she's kind of Ari's sidekick, as seen here (incidentally, another work in progress):

"That's the problem with real people, Anna. They're so boring!"

Also I created these two between the ages of ten and twelve, so there's a LOT of history with them. Also explains why they're kind of anime-ish and crazy-haired.

The Max to Ari's Sam, as I said once. Only... Ari's not exactly smooth herself. They're both sort of cartoony bringers of chaos, and are comedic-duo-y with each other. Something like that.

ANYWAY, today's drawing.

My main issue with it at the moment is the fact that Anna's left eye there looks off. At first, it was kind of uneven:

"Whoops, made her hand too thin... *furious scribbles* GOD BLESS PHOTOSHOP."

So, I thought, 'hey, I'll touch it up in photoshop, how hard could that be?'

I've gotten better at gauging my skills in these situations, so usually I'm right. However, I redrew that eye like five times and it's still looking kind of wonky. Of course, I also have been staring at it for a long time, often too close to the screen, so hey, maybe it's not so bad.

Ariel-vision, reduced by 50%

Of course, at the time, I was inwardly a ball of rage and fury at this misbehaving bit of art. I start shading, realize that I'm too tired and frustrated to have it look right, so I call it a night. And before I do, I think of something...

Ariel: Hey, what's that thing some artist do? Right, they flip their work to see how it looks like from a different perspective. Hey, maybe if I do that, what I need to do to fix that eye will be clearer!

Ariel: Hm... No, it still looks kind of wide. *leans back* ... And now, her head looks flat too. ... FFF whatever I'm going to bed.

So, yes, readers. Not every day is one full of great success, but that's why you've got to leave that file open and keep working on it.

... Or something deep and inspiring like that.
WELL! Back to work I go!

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