Saturday, May 1, 2010

What I REALLY Did Over The Semester (sketchings)

'No Ariel, noooo this is an ART BLOG don't post terrible art here!'

Well... Okay, see, I have a confession to make. Throughout the semester, I carried a binder around with me, with the intent to hold lined paper for notes and also assignment/instruction sheets, that sort of thing, but going through it last week, I noticed that a lot of it really was just pages and pages of little drawings of things ranging from eyeball-practice, to whichever character of mine I had in mind that week, to my reaction to something I'd seen or heard or thought (towards the end of the binder, there are a lot of me looking like a sleepy zombie). I slightly justify it by having notes from a lesson or assignment brief in the side (come to think of it, that's kinda funny, since I've gone from doodling in the sides of a notepage to writing notes in the side of a doodle page).

Now, a disclaimer for my parents and past/present/future instructors: I have a short attention span and I'm very fidgety. Even if there's a lesson going on, and one of the things I found I could steady myself with is occupying my hands with something. At this point we get a choice: Clicking a pen repeatedly, or using that pen to draw. For my sanity and that of others, I generally do the latter. I'm still listening, and heck, I might be listening better with my hands distracted. It... It makes sense to me. IN SHORT: If I'm drawing during your lesson, I'm still there! ... Or I'm trying to keep myself from falling asleep because I had to get up at 5 for your class or something.

ANYWAY enough writing, because my teacher commented on that last week, here is a few pages out of my improvised sketchbook:

So, here are a few characters I find myself drawing when I can't come up with anything else to draw. The spikey-haired fellow calls himself Nero, he's a demon; the man with the feathers is Yuu. The kid down at the bottom is called Kri, he's sort of an artificial demon. It's a long story.

This page was mostly an attempt for me to practice action shots. I think I have poses well enough, I just need to practice motion and flow... My hands are getting better, though! Also bonus fun of drawing reaction faces/bodies. Like how Yuu's feathers ruffle, or Nero's wings go squiggly.

You see, in this story, Demons and Angels refer more to beings that live on a different plane than anything religious. Yuu was framed for something really bad, so he was exiled from his plane. He kind of blames Nero for this, but hilarious circumstances force the two to work together! What an odd couple!

In this edition, I sketch up how Yuu looked like while he was still in inter-dimensional law-enforcement (yes his hair is supposed to look hilariously bad), and basically use this as an excuse to draw his wings some more. Bonus round for Nero showing some demon features he'd rather not let people see.

I could show you one more page but that might require more explaining and I think I'm running long already, so I'll leave you with something I coloured kinda quickly, as practice in photoshop/a way to ease my nerves with the upcoming thing on Tuesday.

Bonus note about Nero: his wings are made of shadows, partly because it's cool, and partly because I liked drawing thin, papery wings. Also gives a contrast between Yuu's big, beautiful, powerful, and sometimes more detailed wings, and his tiny, simplistic, thin wins. I'm going to try to contrast those two a lot, see, it's part of their dynamic.

And yeah! That's all for today, tune in tomorrow when I post a certain little dinosaur again...

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