Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vector Revisits

I am insane. I know this because I attempted a vector imaging of the pirate I drew way back when. Why would I even do that? (Aside from the fact that it was easier to fix up a few mistakes and that I wanted it to be clean and shiny for a new twitter background)

Oh, right, it looks smooth and sharp when I do that. Carry on, then.

In retrospect I probably should have resized this a little more, because it is either that or my more experienced artist's eye that's making me see a bunch of tiny mistakes (which I won't tell you because that would destroy the illusion of me knowing what I'm doing).

So, yes! I'll go back to working on this when my wrist doesn't feel like its melting or turning into limestone.
(PS. omgomgomg look at the telescope looklooklook it is shiny!)

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